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Home: Welcome

I am a 2021 graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point with a major in Interior Architecture and a minor in Business Administration. Please explore my site and enjoy viewing my completed project work! I am passionate about interior design and the process, finding solutions to problems, and creating spaces that have a perfect balance between beauty and function. When I am not designing, you can find me running or crafting with my Cricut Maker!


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There are three responses to a piece of design - yes, no, and WOW!

Wow is the one to aim for.

Milton Glaser




The university is looking to update its facilities to meet the needs of the students, staff, and the surrounding community. The proposed design showcases a multi-use recreation center that focuses on a student-centered environment. Inspiration was drawn from the campus sundial, creating a building layout and pathways that mimic the sun rays. Through the use of relaxing colors and expansive curtain walls, the design focuses on promoting wellbeing.

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The proposed design is a theoretical Innovation Center for the notable General Mills company. The center reflects the history and values of the company, promoting heritage through company colors and collaboration through touch-down spaces. The selected workstations provide employees with flexibility and accommodate the fast-paced and ever-changing work environment. This space will inspire the ideas of tomorrow and lead to further success and growth for General Mills.

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The Campbell residence is a two-story home built for a family consisting of two adults, a senior in a wheelchair, and a child on the autism spectrum. These circumstances influenced both the open floor plan design and material selections. The Campbell’s requested a minimalistic and nature-inspired design which was accomplished by incorporating ample amount of natural light and environmentally friendly materials. This contemporary design will be the ideal space for the family to escape and relax.

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UWSP is always looking to renovate campus spaces to meet the growing student population and their demands. This café is a comfortable, relaxing, and inviting space that students could use for a variety of tasks. By incorporating eye-catching upholsteries, bold lighting, and an array of seating options, students are likely to deem this a favorite campus location. The contemporary design is accommodating and functional, attracting students who need to study, grab a coffee, or just socialize with friends.

*IIDA WI Student Award of Excellence in Hospitality Design 2021


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